c - implementing list insert first in generic List -
listresult listinsertfirst(list list, listelement element) { null_arg(list, list_null_argument); node first = elementcopy(list, element); null_arg(first, list_out_of_memory); if(!list->size){ list->iterator = first; list->last = first; } first->next = list->first; list->first = first; list->size++; return list_success; }
this code list insert first give me error "segmentation fault" when run in eclipse indigo. i've tried erase line:
list->first = first;
and didn't give me error.
the function elementcopy
works perfectly: creates new node data element , set next null
node elementcopy(list list, listelement e){ node tmp = malloc(sizeof(*tmp)); null_arg(tmp, null); tmp->data = list->copyelement(e); null_arg(tmp->data, null); tmp->next = null; return tmp; }
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