php - ICS file dynamic timezone issue -
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i trying generate ics file dynamically in php, timezone dynamic according location given. works there daylight time issue i.e shows time difference of 1 hour or so. solve issue have use daylight
dynamically. don't know how use dynamically, or can tzoffsetfrom
, tzoffsetto
offsets related timezone given.
for example:
$timezone = "america/denver" // dynamically fetched db $ical = "begin:vcalendar\n"; $ical .= "version:2.0\n"; $ical .= "prodid:-//lokalmotion//lokalmotion events v1.0//en\n"; $ical .= "calscale:gregorian\n"; $ical .= "method:publish\n"; $ical .= "x-wr-calname:lokalmotion events\n"; $ical .= "x-ms-olk-forceinspectoropen:true\n"; $ical .= "begin:vtimezone\n"; $ical .= "tzid:{$timezone}\n"; $ical .= "tzurl:{$timezone}\n"; $ical .= "x-lic-location:{$timezone}\n"; $ical .= "end:vtimezone\n"; $ical .= "begin:vevent\n"; $ical .= "dtstamp:".date('ymd\this\z')."\n"; $ical .= "dtstart;tzid={$timezone}:{$start_date}\n"; $ical .= "dtend;tzid={$timezone}:{$end_date}\n"; $ical .= "status:confirmed\n"; $ical .= "summary:{$title}\n"; $ical .= "description:{$description}\n"; $ical .= "organizer;\n"; $ical .= "class:public\n"; $ical .= "created:{$start_date}z\n"; $ical .= "location:{$location}\n"; $ical .= "url:\n"; $ical .= "sequence:1\n"; $ical .= "last-modified:".date('ymd\this\z')."\n"; $ical .= "uid:{$title}\n"; $ical .= "end:vevent\n"; $ical .= "end:vcalendar"; echo $ical;
now how use daylight dynamically according location, location can 'america/caracas' .. etc
$ical .= "begin:daylight"; $ical .= "tzoffsetfrom:{}"; //i need dynamic $ical .= "tzoffsetto:{}";//i need dynamic $ical .= "tzname:edt"; $ical .= "dtstart;tzid={$timezone}:{$start_date}\n"; $ical .= "rrule:freq=yearly;bymonth=3;byday=2su"; $ical .= "end:daylight";
thanks in advance.
before converting times , date, should set correct timezone in php engine knows time characteristics of zone using:
date_default_timezone_set('america/mexico_city'); $start_date = date('c', time()); // iso date 8601 of "right now" $start_zone = date('o', time()); // tzoffsetfrom format of "right now" date_default_timezone_set('america/denver'); $to_zone = date('o', time()); // tzoffsetto of "right now"
hope may help
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