Java: How to download a file via imap:// protocol? -

how can download file given following url java-se-7:


any highly appreciated - thank in advance.

here's basic solution. following code needs apache commons i/o 2.4 can downloaded here:

public class imapmessage {      private string authority;     private string protocol;     private string host;     private int port;     private string username;     private string password;     private string foldername;     private long msgid;     private string filename;     private message message;      public imapmessage(string url) throws ioexception, messagingexception {         parseurl(decodeurl(url));     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return "protocol: "+protocol+"\n"+                "host: "+host+"\n"+                "port: "+port+"\n"+                "username: "+username+"\n"+                "password: "+password+"\n"+                "folder: "+foldername+"\n"+                "msgid: "+msgid+"\n"+                "filename: "+filename;     }      private string decodeurl(string url) throws ioexception {         if(url!=null && !url.isempty()) {             url = stringutils.replace(url, "%3e", ">");             url = stringutils.replace(url, "%20", " ");             return url;         } else {             throw new ioexception("the given url empty or invalid.");         }     }       private void parseurl(string url) throws ioexception, malformedurlexception {         if(url!=null && !url.isempty()) {             //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="parse protocol">             if(url.startswith("imaps")) {                 url = stringutils.replace(url, "imaps", "http", 1);                 protocol = "imaps";             } else if(url.startswith("imap")) {                 url = stringutils.replace(url, "imap", "http", 1);                 protocol = "imap";             } else {                 throw new ioexception("unsupported protocol: "+url.substring(0, url.indexof("://")));             }              try {                 url newurl = new url(url);                 string path = newurl.getpath();                 string query = newurl.getquery();                 authority = newurl.getauthority();                 host = newurl.gethost();                 port = newurl.getport();                 username = newurl.getuserinfo();                 password = "provide password here";                 foldername = path.substring(path.indexof(">/")+2, path.lastindexof(">"));                 msgid = long.parselong(path.substring(path.lastindexof(">")+1, path.length()));                 filename = query.substring(query.indexof("=")+1, query.length());             } catch (malformedurlexception ex) {                 throw ex;             }         } else {             throw new ioexception("the given url empty or invalid.");         }     }      public file fetchmessage() throws ioexception, filenotfoundexception, messagingexception {          store store = null;         folder folder = null;         file filepath = new file("/destination/directory");         try {             properties props = system.getproperties();             props.setproperty("", protocol);             session session = session.getdefaultinstance(props, null);             // session.setdebug(true);             store = session.getstore(protocol);             store.connect(host, port, username, password);             folder = store.getfolder(foldername);   ;             uidfolder ufolder = (uidfolder)folder;             message = ufolder.getmessagebyuid(msgid);             if(message!=null) {                 file file = null;                 if(filename.equals("null")) {                     file = new file(filepath.getabsolutepath()+file.separator+long.tostring(system.nanotime())+".eml");                 } else {                     file = new file(filepath.getabsolutepath()+file.separator+filename);                 }                 message.writeto(new fileoutputstream(file));                 return file;             } else {                 throw new messagingexception("the requested e-mail not found on mail server.");             }         } catch(exception ex) {             throw ex;         } {             if(folder!=null) {                 folder.close(true);             }             if(store!=null) {                 store.close();             }         }     }  } 


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