scheme - Accessing a variable field within a node -
hi new racket using binary tree structure.
using following structure
(define-struct human(age hight))
i have created following object/variable/human
(define james(make-human 10 50))
if have node in binary tree structure
(define-struct node (left human right))
how can compare different object's hight (say michael) james given james within node, example:
(define (insert-human-into-tree human node) (cond [(empty? node)(make-node empty human empty)] [(<= human-hight( **node-human-hight**))
i need know how access hight field of human object within node ( node-human-hight).
use accessor procedures in struct, example:
(define-struct human(age hight)) (define james (make-human 10 50)) (define-struct node (left human right)) (define anode (make-node null james null)) ; access human in node, , height of human (human-hight (node-human anode)) => 50
... , it's spelled "height", not "hight". so, answer question, comparison this:
(<= (human-hight (node-human node)) (human-hight human))
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