android - ERROR: attempt to index global object a nil value: corona SDK -

i'm getting error:

runtime error ...n-stylr\documents\corona projects\happy_day\game.lau:50: attempt index global 'city1' (a nil value)

my code follows:

function scene:createscene(event)  local screengroup = self.view  local background = display.newimage("background1.jpg")  local city1 = display.newimage("bild.png") city1:setreferencepoint(display.bottomleftreferencepoint) city1.x = 0 city1.y = 640 city1.speed = 1  local city2 = display.newimage("bild.png") city2:setreferencepoint(display.bottomleftreferencepoint) city2.x = 1136 city2.y = 640 city2.speed = 1  local city3 = display.newimage("build2.png") city3:setreferencepoint(display.bottomleftreferencepoint) city3.x = 0 city3.y = 640 city3.speed = 2  local city4 = display.newimage("build2.png") city4:setreferencepoint(display.bottomleftreferencepoint) city4.x = 1136 city4.y = 640 city4.speed = 2 end  function scene:enterscene(event)  runtime:addeventlistener("touch", touchscreen) print(city1) city1.enterframe = scrollcity runtime:addeventlistener("enterframe", city1)  city2.enterframe = scrollcity runtime:addeventlistener("enterframe", city2)  city3.enterframe = scrollcity runtime:addeventlistener("enterframe", city3)  city4.enterframe = scrollcity runtime:addeventlistener("enterframe", city4)  end 

just declarelocal city1 outside createscene function , create city1 as:

local city1;  function scene:createscene(event)    -- code localgroup , bg      city1 = display.newimage("bild.png")  -- create city1     -- rest of code end 

if error occurs reffering other cities(city2 ,3 or 4), same methode those.

keep coding................ :)


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