c# - Linq Query with join on subquery -
basically i'm trying write query joins on select top 1 second table like:
select sum(pinfo.quantity + p.itemcount), i.owner invoice join purchase_info pinfo on pinfo.invoice = i.invid join (select distinct sku, productlineid, itemcount products productlineid in (13, 14)) p on p.sku = pinfo.item i.owner = 22623 group i.owner
here's pathetic attempt in linq has invalid syntax, ideas appreciated.
(from in _invoicerepository.table join pi in _purchaseinforepository.table on i.invoiceid equals pi.invoiceid join p in (from p2 in _productrepository.table p2.sku == pi.item select new { p2.sku, p2.itemcount }).take(1) on pi.item equals p.sku i.memberid == memberid && (p.productlineid == (int)productlines.inkcartridges || p.productlineid == (int)productlines.tonercartridges) select pi.quantity * p.itemcount) .defaultifempty(0) .sum();
here first stab @ this.
from sql, looks want find how many ink , toner cartridges particular customer has ordered ever.
this should give same results sql (this depending on order of products table since taking top 1 without sort of ordering being done:
var count = in _invoicerepository.table i.ownerid == memberid select new { ownerid = i.ownerid, totalproductcount = i.purchases.sum(pro => pro.products .where(p => p.productlineid == (int)productlines.inkcartridges || p.productlineid == (int)productlines.tonercartridges) .take(1) .sum(p => p.itemcount * pro.quantity)) };
since did not know the classes of 3 objects (invoice, purchaseinfo, , product) made guess @ are:
invoice class: assume has list/collection of purchaseinfos
public class invoice { public int id { get; set; } public int ownerid { get; set; } public list<purchaseinfo> purchases { get; set; } }
purchaseinfos: invoice has multiple purchaseinfos, each 1 links (ideally) 1 product since sku not unique assome has list/collection of products in it.
public class purchaseinfo { public int id { get; set; } public int quantity { get; set; } public int invoiceid { get; set; } public invoice invoice { get; set; } public int item {get;set;} public list<product> products { get; set; } }
product class: assome there id field (not shown) or composite primary key somewhere
public class product { public int sku { get; set; } public int productlineid { get; set; } public int itemcount { get; set; } public list<purchaseinfo> purchaseinfos { get; set; } }
hopefully can take need. if way off, please update question class definitions (you can remove unneeded properities if want) better answer can produced.
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