iphone - Filtering NSDictionary with predicate -

i using nsdictionary contains dictionaries keys , values.the format ,

{  "1" = {         "key1" = "ss",           "key2" = "rr",           "name" = "nm"      }, "2" = {            "key1" = "tt",           "key2" = "vv",            "name" = "gf"      }, "3" = {            "key1" = "nm",           "key2" = "vv",            "name" = "gf"      }, "4" = {            "key1" = "tt",           "key2" = "vv",           "name" = "gf"      }, } 

i need filter case key1 should "tt" , key2 should "vv" using nspredicate.


maindict = {  "1" = {         "key1" = "ss",           "key2" = "rr",           "name" = "nm"      }, "2" = {            "key1" = "tt",           "key2" = "vv",            "name" = "gf"      }, "3" = {            "key1" = "nm",           "key2" = "vv",            "name" = "gf"      }, "4" = {            "key1" = "tt",           "key2" = "vv",           "name" = "gf"      }, } 

now can filter following way:

nsarray *resultarray = [[maindict allvalues] filteredarrayusingpredicate:[nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"(key1 == %@) , (key2==%@)", @"tt",@"vv"]]; 

try check:

nsmutabledictionary *maindict=[[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; for(int i=1; i<=3; i++) {     [maindict setobject:[nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:@"tt",@"key1",@"vv",@"key2",@"ttqwdwd",@"name", nil] forkey:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i",i]]; } [maindict setobject:[nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:@"tt",@"key1",@"kk",@"key2",@"ttwwdwd",@"name", nil] forkey:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i",4]]; [maindict setobject:[nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:@"tt",@"key1",@"kk",@"key2",@"ttwwdwd",@"name", nil] forkey:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i",5]]; nsarray *resultarray = [[maindict allvalues] filteredarrayusingpredicate:[nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"(key1 == %@) , (key2==%@)", @"tt",@"vv"]]; nslog(@"%@",resultarray); 


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