android - Pressing the menu button on the physical -

i have here example of such code here

public class example1activity extends activity { private static final int id_add = 1; private static final int id_accept = 2; private static final int id_upload = 3;  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);      setcontentview(r.layout.example1);      actionitem additem      = new actionitem(id_add, "add", getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.ic_add));     actionitem acceptitem   = new actionitem(id_accept, "accept", getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.ic_accept));     actionitem uploaditem   = new actionitem(id_upload, "upload", getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.ic_up));      //use setsticky(true) disable quickaction dialog being dismissed after item clicked     uploaditem.setsticky(true);      final quickaction mquickaction  = new quickaction(this);      mquickaction.addactionitem(additem);     mquickaction.addactionitem(acceptitem);     mquickaction.addactionitem(uploaditem);      //setup action item click listener     mquickaction.setonactionitemclicklistener(new quickaction.onactionitemclicklistener() {         @override         public void onitemclick(quickaction quickaction, int pos, int actionid) {             actionitem actionitem = quickaction.getactionitem(pos);              if (actionid == id_add) {                 toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "add item selected", toast.length_short).show();             } else {                 toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), actionitem.gettitle() + " selected", toast.length_short).show();             }         }     });      mquickaction.setondismisslistener(new quickaction.ondismisslistener() {         @override         public void ondismiss() {             toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "ups..dismissed", toast.length_short).show();         }     });      button btn1 = (button) this.findviewbyid(;     btn1.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {   ;         }     })      button btn2 = (button) this.findviewbyid(;     btn2.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {   ;             mquickaction.setanimstyle(quickaction.anim_grow_from_center);         }     }); } 

but want; 

when user clicks on physical menu button btn1. want make, menu called when user clicks on physical menu button

public boolean onkeyup(int keycode, keyevent event) {     if (keycode == keyevent.keycode_menu) {;         return true;     }     return super.onkeyup(keycode, event); } 


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