jsp - How To Wrap Text in HTML Dropdown List -

possible duplicate:
word wrap options in select list

is possible wrap long text within html <option> box?

in jsp, have section of code pulls values database within loop , appends them <option> section of <select> list.

below portion of code referencing:

<select name='codes' onchange="showstate(this.value)">                   <option value="none">select code</option>                   <%                     //pulls ids , descriptions codes table , stores them in first drop down                     try                     {                         class.forname("oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver").newinstance();                           connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("url","username","password");                           statement stmt = con.createstatement();                           resultset rs = stmt.executequery("select id, descr ref_codes");                          while(rs.next())                         {                             %>                                 <option value="<%=rs.getstring(1)%>"><%=rs.getstring(1)%> <%=rs.getstring(2)%></option>                               <%                         }                          //closes database connection                         stmt.close();                         con.close();                     }                     catch (classnotfoundexception e)                     {                         system.err.println("classnotfoundexception: " + e.getmessage());                     }                      catch (sqlexception e)                     {                         system.err.println("sqlexception: " + e.getmessage());                     }                     catch (exception e)                     {                         system.err.println("generic exception: " + e.getmessage());                     }                        %>                 </select> 

my problem of pulled values way long , stretch drop down box further length of page, stays on same line. whenever encounter long string, want make wrap next line, still included part of same <option> value.

i've looked around on google , got varying answers. people can done, others cannot.

however, of answers seems outdated (from around mid 2000s) , ones have tried, involving use of <div> tag, have had no luck with. meaning options still remain on 1 line regardless of how long , don't wrap next line, despite me specifying width of <div> tag.

so has done in html before or know if it's possible?

couldn't pull max # of characters want drop-down, re-select same field but start @ next character, grabbing same # of characters, etc. use html/css formatting combine , make them want.


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