About ASP.NET Web Pages Global -
i new learner asp.net. saw “_appstart.cshtml”, “_pagestart.cshtml” , “_viewstart.cshtml” act global headers or footer.
(1)if want trigger right before page output, should put code in _viewstart.cshtml of others?
(2)let c html code before output, beside appending code c can replace code c? such making text uppercase or replace text?
(3)will asp.net cache process won't run each time?
answer point 1
the _viewstart file can used define common view code want execute @ start of each view’s rendering. example, write code within our _viewstart.cshtml file programmatically set layout property each view sitelayout.cshtml file default
actually it's basepage in asp.net can keep common code.
or can write logic directly in view below.
@{ layout = "~/views/shared/_layout.cshtml"; if (some consition) { layout = "~/views/shared/_adminlayout.cshtml"; } }
you can override action executing method, executes before executing action method. can set particular action method or complete controller
below code setting complete controller.
protected override void onactionexecuting(actionexecutingcontext ctx) { base.onactionexecuting(ctx); }
below code setting particular action method
[myattribute(someproperty = "")] public actionresult index() { return view("index"); } public class myattribute : actionfilterattribute { public string someproperty { get; set; } public override void onactionexecuting(actionexecutingcontext filtercontext) { base.onactionexecuting(filtercontext); } }
answer point 2
you can use
var str = html.partial("_partial_view_name");
partial returns mvchtmlstring. can intercept output setting variable , make necessary change.
answer point 3
yes. below sample code
namespace mvcapplication1.controllers { [handleerror] public class homecontroller : controller { [outputcache(duration=10, varybyparam="none")] public actionresult index() { return view(); } } }
the output of index() action cached 10 seconds
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