Issues Implementing Android fling gesture -

i'm attempting implement fling gesture. have same function native android contact app, you'll swipe listview , it'll open dialer. i'm having issue getting 100% though. of listview loads should, after googling, , tutorials i've come , need help.


public final static int swipe_up    = 1;  public final static int swipe_down  = 2;  public final static int swipe_left  = 3;  public final static int swipe_right = 4;   public final static int mode_transparent = 0;  public final static int mode_solid       = 1;  public final static int mode_dynamic     = 2;   private final static int action_fake = -13; //just unlikely number  private int swipe_min_distance = 100;  private int swipe_max_distance = 350;  private int swipe_min_velocity = 100;   private int mode      = mode_dynamic;  private boolean running = true;  private boolean tapindicator = false;   private activity context;  private gesturedetector detector;  private simplegesturelistener listener;    public simplegesturefilter(activity context,simplegesturelistener sgl) {    this.context = context;   this.detector = new gesturedetector(context, this);   this.listener = sgl;   }   public void ontouchevent(motionevent event){     if(!this.running)   return;       boolean result = this.detector.ontouchevent(event);      if(this.mode == mode_solid)     event.setaction(motionevent.action_cancel);    else if (this.mode == mode_dynamic) {       if(event.getaction() == action_fake)         event.setaction(motionevent.action_up);      else if (result)        event.setaction(motionevent.action_cancel);       else if(this.tapindicator){       event.setaction(motionevent.action_down);       this.tapindicator = false;      }     }    //else nothing, it's transparent  }   public void setmode(int m){   this.mode = m;  }   public int getmode(){   return this.mode;  }   public void setenabled(boolean status){   this.running = status;  }   public void setswipemaxdistance(int distance){   this.swipe_max_distance = distance;  }   public void setswipemindistance(int distance){   this.swipe_min_distance = distance;  }   public void setswipeminvelocity(int distance){   this.swipe_min_velocity = distance;  }   public int getswipemaxdistance(){   return this.swipe_max_distance;  }   public int getswipemindistance(){   return this.swipe_min_distance;  }   public int getswipeminvelocity(){   return this.swipe_min_velocity;  }    @override  public boolean onfling(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float velocityx,    float velocityy) {    final float xdistance = math.abs(e1.getx() - e2.getx());   final float ydistance = math.abs(e1.gety() - e2.gety());    if(xdistance > this.swipe_max_distance || ydistance > this.swipe_max_distance)    return false;    velocityx = math.abs(velocityx);   velocityy = math.abs(velocityy);         boolean result = false;    if(velocityx > this.swipe_min_velocity && xdistance > this.swipe_min_distance){    if(e1.getx() > e2.getx()) // right left     this.listener.onswipe(swipe_left);    else     this.listener.onswipe(swipe_right);     result = true;   }   else if(velocityy > this.swipe_min_velocity && ydistance > this.swipe_min_distance){    if(e1.gety() > e2.gety()) // bottom      this.listener.onswipe(swipe_up);    else     this.listener.onswipe(swipe_down);     result = true;   }     return result;  }   @override  public boolean onsingletapup(motionevent e) {   this.tapindicator = true;   return false;  }   @override  public boolean ondoubletap(motionevent arg0) {   this.listener.ondoubletap();;   return true;  }   @override  public boolean ondoubletapevent(motionevent arg0) {   return true;  }   @override  public boolean onsingletapconfirmed(motionevent arg0) {    if(this.mode == mode_dynamic){        // owe action_up, fake             arg0.setaction(action_fake);      //action converted action_up later.                                          this.context.dispatchtouchevent(arg0);     }       return false;  }       static interface simplegesturelistener{      void onswipe(int direction);      void ondoubletap();  }  }

public class displaycompanies extends listactivity {     //jsonarrays?     jsonarray directory;     private simplegesturefilter detector;       //json node names     private static string tag_id = "id";     private static string tag_company= "organization";     private static string tag_phone= "number";     private static string tag_category= "companies";      private final static string url= "api url base here";     jsonobject json;     companylistjsonparser jparser = new companylistjsonparser();     arraylist<hashmap<string, string>> directorylist;      @suppresslint("newapi")     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.service);          directorylist = new arraylist<hashmap<string, string>>();         request request = new request();         request.execute();           // make sure we're running on honeycomb or higher use actionbar apis         if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.honeycomb) {             // show button in action bar.             getactionbar().setdisplayhomeasupenabled(true);             settitle("available companies");          }     }// end of oncreate method     @suppresswarnings("unused")     public class request extends asynctask<string, void, jsonobject> {          private static final int registration_timeout = 3 * 1000;         private static final int wait_timeout = 30 * 1000;         private progressdialog dialog =                  new progressdialog(displaycompanies.this);           protected void onpreexecute() {             dialog = new progressdialog(displaycompanies.this);             dialog.setmessage("getting available companies... please wait...");   ;         }          protected jsonobject doinbackground(string... params) {             string cat = null;             bundle extras = getintent().getextras();             if (extras != null) {                 cat = extras.getstring("catid");             }             string fullurl = url + cat;             json = jparser.getjsonfromurl(fullurl);              return json;          }          protected void onpostexecute(jsonobject s) {                       super.onpostexecute(s);             string name = null;             string id = null;             string phone = null;             dialog.dismiss();              try {                 directory = s.getjsonarray(tag_category);             } catch (jsonexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();             }             for(int = 0; < directory.length(); i++){;             try {                 id = directory.getjsonobject(i).getstring(tag_id);                 name = directory.getjsonobject(i).getstring(tag_company);                 phone = directory.getjsonobject(i).getstring(tag_phone);             } catch (jsonexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();             }             displaycatlist(id, name, phone);              }          }      }      public void displaycatlist(string id, string name, string phone){                          //create new hashmap         hashmap<string,string> map = new hashmap<string, string>();          //add each child node hashmap key         map.put(tag_id, id);         map.put(tag_company, name);         map.put(tag_phone, phone);          //adding hashlist arrarlist         directorylist.add(map);          mysimpleadapter adapter = new mysimpleadapter(this, r.layout.list_item,, directorylist);         setlistadapter(adapter);          adapter.notifydatasetchanged();     }        @override     public boolean onoptionsitemselected(menuitem item) {         switch (item.getitemid()) {         case             navutils.navigateupfromsametask(this);             return true;         }         return super.onoptionsitemselected(item);     }       public class mysimpleadapter extends arrayadapter<hashmap<string, string>> {          list<hashmap<string, string>> listitems;          public mysimpleadapter(context context, int resource,                 int textviewresourceid, list<hashmap<string, string>> objects) {             super(context, resource, textviewresourceid, objects);             listitems = objects;         }          @override         public view getview(final int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {             // todo auto-generated method stub             if(convertview == null) {                 layoutinflater inflator = (layoutinflater)  getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);                 convertview = inflator.inflate(r.layout.list_item, null);             }              textview listname = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(;              listname.settag(listitems.get(position).get(tag_id));             listname.settext(listitems.get(position).get(tag_company));              //for use onclick             listname.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {                 @override                 /**                  * method provides action when selected item in list view clicked.                  */                 public void onclick(view v){                     log.i("click", "id # " + listitems.get(position).get(tag_id) + " company: " + listitems.get(position).get(tag_company)+ " phone #: " + listitems.get(position).get(tag_phone));                     //intent displaycompanies = new intent (displayserviceactivity.this, displaycompanies.class);                     //displayserviceactivity.this.startactivity(displaycompanies);                 }             });              //gesture or fling implementation             detector = new simplegesturefilter(this,this);               return convertview;         }           public boolean dispatchtouchevent(motionevent me){              detector.ontouchevent(me);             return super.dispatchtouchevent(me);          }         public void onswipe(int direction) {             string str = "";              switch (direction) {              case simplegesturefilter.swipe_right : str = "swipe right";             break;             case simplegesturefilter.swipe_left :  str = "swipe left";             break;             case simplegesturefilter.swipe_down :  str = "swipe down";             break;             case simplegesturefilter.swipe_up :    str = "swipe up";             break;              }              toast.maketext(this, str, toast.length_short).show();         }          public void ondoubletap() {             toast.maketext(this, "double tap", toast.length_short).show();          }      }  }  } 

at point eclipse won't compile , these underlined:

public boolean dispatchtouchevent(motionevent me){              detector.ontouchevent(me);             return super.dispatchtouchevent(me);          } 

because: method dispatchtouchevent(motionevent) undefined type arrayadapter>


toast.maketext(this, "double tap", toast.length_short).show(); 

because: method maketext(context, charsequence, int) in type toast not applicable arguments (displaycompanies.mysimpleadapter, string, int)

any on great. thank guys in advance!

you keep making new gesture filters , assigning them on , on same thing code.

//gesture or fling implementation     detector = new simplegesturefilter(this,this); 

you should make gesture detector each view, instead of 1 listview


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