php - Flot tooltip on hover -

i have following code showing graph using flot. want mouse hover show tooltip values of days/quota

<?php include("connect.php"); $fundname=$_post["fundname"]; $mes=$_post["mes"]; $cnpj=$_post["cnpj"];  ?>   <?php $query = "select dia, quota cdvm competence='$mes' , fundname='$fundname' , quota > 0";  $result = mysql_query($query);  ?>  <?php     $points = "";     while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))     {         $quota = str_replace(',', '.', $row['quota']);         $points .= "[{$row['dia']}, {$quota}], ";     }     $points = rtrim($points, ", "); ?>   <div id="placeholder" style="width:500px;height:200px"></div>     <script type="text/javascript">         $(function() {             $.plot("#placeholder", [[ <?php echo $points ?> ],             {                 series: {                     lines: {                         show: true                     },                     points: {                         show: true                     }                 },                 grid: {                     hoverable: true,                     clickable: true                 }             });              $("#placeholder").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {                 if (item) {                     if (previouspoint != item.dataindex) {                          previouspoint = item.dataindex;                          $("#tooltip").remove();                         var x = item.datapoint[0].tofixed(2),                         y = item.datapoint[1].tofixed(2);                          showtooltip(item.pagex, item.pagey,                             "dia=" + x + ", quota=" + y);                     }                 } else {                     $("#tooltip").remove();                     previouspoint = null;                             }             });              function showtooltip(x, y, contents) {                 $("<div id='tooltip'>" + contents + "</div>").css({                     position: "absolute",                     display: "none",                     top: y + 5,                     left: x + 5,                     border: "1px solid #fdd",                     padding: "2px",                     "background-color": "#fee",                     opacity: 0.80                 }).appendto("body").fadein(200);             }         }); </script> 

i alo have call jquery flot website in head of file. have problems copying whole code on here. again help!

you need create element tooltip (a span or div), , bind plothover it. used example on website "interacting data points" on own website.

the below code uses showtooltip function create tooltip div, triggered call .bind("plothover"). enables hovering trigger tooltip , populate relevant data item.

here's code modified complete working version. make sure database string in there before "while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))"

<html>     <head>         <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>         <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     </head> <body>     <?php         $points = "";         while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))         {             $quota = str_replace(',', '.', $row['quota']);             $points .= "[{$row['dia']}, {$quota}], ";         }         $points = rtrim($points, ", ");     ?>     <div id="placeholder" style="width:500px;height:200px"></div>         <script type="text/javascript">             $(function() {                 $.plot("#placeholder", [[ <?php echo $points ?> ]],                 {                     series: {                         lines: {                             show: true                         },                         points: {                             show: true                         }                     },                     grid: {                         hoverable: true,                         clickable: true                     }                 });                  $("#placeholder").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {                     if (item) {                         if (previouspoint != item.dataindex) {                              previouspoint = item.dataindex;                              $("#tooltip").remove();                             var x = item.datapoint[0].tofixed(2),                             y = item.datapoint[1].tofixed(2);                              showtooltip(item.pagex, item.pagey,                                 "dia=" + x + ", quota=" + y);                         }                     } else {                         $("#tooltip").remove();                         previouspoint = null;                                 }                 });                  function showtooltip(x, y, contents) {                     $("<div id='tooltip'>" + contents + "</div>").css({                         position: "absolute",                         display: "none",                         top: y + 5,                         left: x + 5,                         border: "1px solid #fdd",                         padding: "2px",                         "background-color": "#fee",                         opacity: 0.80                     }).appendto("body").fadein(200);                 }             });     </script> </body> </html> 


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