Paypal PHP SDK Credications and Authentication, I can't get it to work -

i using official php paypal sdk here:

i'm confused how authentication works. real paypal account gives me: username, password, signature. paypal dev account gives me: clientid , secret. sandbox business user gives me username, password, , signature.

the docs can authenticate follows:

$cred = new ppcertificatecredential("username", "password", "path-to-pem-file"); $cred->setthirdpartyauthorization(new pptokenauthorization("accesstoken", "tokensecret")); $response = $paypalservice->setexpresscheckout($setecreq, $cred); 

what values use here sandbox authenticate sand box? values use when switch on live? config file, says can that.

please help, i'm confused.

you can rest credentials within developer account. once logged developer account, click on "applications" tab, click on "rest api credentils link. here see client id , secret. there instructions on page obtaining live credentials well.


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