jQuery mobile force full reload when link clicked -

i have "normal" link in jqm page this:

<a href="http://www.mysite.com/mobile/page.php?attribute=value"> 

and if click it won't refresh taking account attribute value , loading that's needed dynamically based on attribute value. understand due fact jqm tries ajax call mentioned here:

 when use pagechange ajax request made url ,  loaded content inside div data-role="page".  have out of element ignored (js , css). 

so, found out in docs should use $.mobile.ajaxenabled=false; or rel=external on links or target=_blank on link.

strange thing though me when set target=_blank property links happen. so, wondering if had kind of problem , how did solve it? thing is, refrain myself form using target=_blank opens new tab in browser (as expected, not nice users' pov).

jqm version use 1.2

this question @ top of google search results, figured i'd answer:

use data-ajax attribute , set false force reload upon clicking link:


use like:

<a href="/" data-ajax="false">     <img id="mainlogo" src="logo.svg" width="215" /> </a> 

and link force reload page!

linking without ajax

links point other domains or have rel="external", data-ajax="false" or target attributes not loaded ajax. instead, these links cause full page refresh no animated transition. both attributes (rel="external" , data-ajax="false") have same effect, different semantic meaning: rel="external" should used when linking site or domain, while data-ajax="false" useful opting page within domain being loaded via ajax. because of security restrictions, framework opts links external domains out of ajax behavior.

parts taken https://stackoverflow.com/a/22951472


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