Adding html to t() in Drupal 6 template.php? -

hi trying add html "t('older posts')" , "t('newer posts')" possible ? can figure out ???? in drupal 6 template.php file.

this code trying add html -

 <a href="" class="action"><span>newer posts</span></a>  <a href="" class="action back"><span>older posts</span></a> 

i need replace above in these spots located in full function below ?

 t('older posts')  t('newer posts') 

i want create

 t('<a href="" class="action back"><span>older posts</span></a>')  t('<a href="" class="action"><span>newer posts</span></a>') 

full function

 function theme_views_mini_pager($tags = array(), $limit = 10,   $element = 0,  $parameters = array(), $quantity = 9) {        global $pager_page_array, $pager_total;   // calculate various markers within pager piece:  // middle used "center" pages around current page.  $pager_middle = ceil($quantity / 2);  // current page paged  $pager_current = $pager_page_array[$element] + 1;  // max maximum page number  $pager_max = $pager_total[$element];  // end of marker calculations.   $li_previous = theme('pager_previous', (isset($tags[1]) ? $tags[1] :  t('older posts')), $limit, $element, 1, $parameters);  if (empty($li_previous)) { $li_previous = "&nbsp;"; }  $li_next = theme('pager_next', (isset($tags[3]) ? $tags[3] : t('newer posts')),  $limit,$element, 1, $parameters); if (empty($li_next)) { $li_next = "&nbsp;"; }  if ($pager_total[$element] > 5) { $items[] = array(   'class' => 'action pager-previous',   'data' => $li_previous, );  $items[] = array(   'class' => 'action pager-next',   'data' => $li_next, ); return theme('item_list', $items, null, 'ul', array('class' => 'pager')); } } 

i trying figure out if possible have tried many things , nothing has worked yet.

you can use

$link = '<a href="" class="action back"><span>' . t('older posts') . '</span></a>'; 


$link = t('!link_startolder posts!link_end', array(   '!link_start' => '<a href="" class="action back"><span>',   '!link_end' => '</span></a>', )); 


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