javascript - Which jPlayer event designates the ability to start playing? -

i have basic jplayer set plays (150mb) audio file aws s3. setup looks this.

  jquery(function() {     var $player, jplayerdefaults, progresscount;      $player = $('<div>');     progresscount = 0;     jplayerdefaults = {       ready: function(e) {         console.log("player ready");          $player.jplayer('setmedia', {           mp3: ''         });          return $player.jplayer('play', 1234);       },        seeking: function(e) {         return console.log("seeking");       },        seeked: function(e) {         return console.log("seeked");       },        canplay: function(e) {         console.log('canplay');       },        progress: function(e) {         return console.log("progress", progresscount += 1);       },        playing: function(e) {         return console.log("playing");       },        error: function(e) {         return console.log("error loading audio.", e);       },        supplied: 'mp3',       preload: 'auto'     };      $player.jplayer(jplayerdefaults);   }); 

my understanding html5 audio spec , this question canplay event designates point @ audio should start playing.

however, when run code above (with empty browser cache), following log.

player ready progress 1 progress 2 progress 3 progress 4 canplay seeking playing progress 5 ... progress 888 seeked progress 889 ... progress 896 

i hear audio playing after seeked event. event happens long time (minutes) after canplay event.

is expected behavior or doing wrong? also, jplayer following html5 <audio> tag spec faithfully here?

edit: incase wondering, aws s3 accept byte-range requests.

i think problem might be: return $player.jplayer('play', 1234); asking player begin play once media seekable point try

return $player.jplayer('play'); or return $player.jplayer('play', 5);

more details here small note under parameter, wasn't easy find it


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