c# - ServiceStack multiple services web API -

i'm newbie servicestack , learn how works, i'll develop web api northwind database (using repository pattern).

i've checked sample project servicestack.northwind , there 2 services (customers , orders). i'd develop complete api (customers, orders, products, etc..). matt cowan has done.

basically, services same operation:

  • receive request.
  • execute (repository.get, repository.add, repository.update, repository.delete).
  • send response.

for this, thought making base class work. first started like:

public class baseservice<trepository, tentity, tdto> : service {     ... } 

the problem of class don't know types request , response each operation. thought i'd pass them type arguments:

public class baseservice<trepository, tentity, tdto, trequest, tsingleresponse, tcollectionresponse> : service {     ... } 

i don't this. i'm sure can done without passing n type arguments class.

how approach development of base class?.

thank in advance.

you may reduce number of type arguments using following suggestions:

  • use tentity request/response operations on single entity
  • declare repository interface irepository<tentity> avoid repository type argument

as operations return list entities (eg. findcustomers, findorders) - each operation have unique search parameters , need implement in derived class anyway.

public class baseentity {     public int id { get; set; }     // ... }  public interface irepostory<tentity> tentity : baseentity {     ilist<tentity> getall();      tentity get(int id);      void save(tentity entity);     // ... }  public class baseservice<tentity, tcollectionrequest> : service     tentity : baseentity {     public irepository<tentity> repository { get; set; }      public virtual object get(tentity request)     {         return repository.get(request.id);     }      public virtual object get(tcollectionrequest request)     {         return repository.getall();     }      public virtual object post(tentity request)     {         repository.save(request);         return request;     }      public virtual object put(tentity request)     {         // ...     }     // ... } 


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