- .net framework execution was aborted by escalation policy because of out of memory -

i using net framework 4.0 , sql server 2012 development. there error occurring randomly while performing database operation in web application in have call sql queries code behind file. occurring large document size greater 300kb. how increase size.

edit :

it occurring while view image files , saving binary data in database

below code got error

        int isupdateidproof = 1;         sqlparameter paraminsertidproof = null;         sqlcommand cmdinsertidproof = new sqlcommand("onboarding_insertuploadedidproof", con);         cmdinsertidproof.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;          paraminsertidproof = new sqlparameter("@filecaption", sqldbtype.varchar, 100);         paraminsertidproof.direction = parameterdirection.input;         paraminsertidproof.value = txtidproofdescription.text;         cmdinsertidproof.parameters.add(paraminsertidproof);          paraminsertidproof = new sqlparameter("@filedata", sqldbtype.varbinary,1000000000);         paraminsertidproof.direction = parameterdirection.input;         paraminsertidproof.value = onboardingfiledata;         cmdinsertidproof.parameters.add(paraminsertidproof);          paraminsertidproof = new sqlparameter("@filenames", sqldbtype.varchar, 100);         paraminsertidproof.direction = parameterdirection.input;         paraminsertidproof.value = filename;         cmdinsertidproof.parameters.add(paraminsertidproof);          //execute sql command;         cmdinsertidproof.executenonquery();         con.close(); 

there not issue code. memory leakage @ database server way storing image. if using sql server project dll compressing , decompressing binary data, please check this.

to hide error, can restart sql server service. automatically refresh memory , start working fine. had same problem year back.


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