javascript - Using Dojo 1.9, all parsing fails in IE -

so have rather large web app running dojo 1.8. works fine in multiple versions of ie , firefox. decided give 1.9 go , changed dependency 1.8 1.9. firefox worked fine no noticable changes on first run. ie versions 8 , 9, however, both failed of @ all. static html content (and dynamic jsp content) fine, , of ajax calls required modules seemed work fine, parser acted wasn't ever being called. there no errors, warnings, or in console.

i kept playing dojo config, nothing special:

var dojoconfig = {     baseurl: "js/",     async: true,     has: {             "dojo-firebug": true,             "dojo-debug-messages": true     },     parseonload: false,     isdebug: true,     tlmsiblingofdojo: false,     packages: [         { name: "dojo", location: "dojo-release-1.9.0/dojo" },         { name: "dijit", location: "dojo-release-1.9.0/dijit" },         { name: "dojox", location: "dojo-release-1.9.0/dojox" }     ] }; 

i found if comment out async: true, ie starts working again. can imagine, want have async true. why tripping ie up? hope i've provided enough info.

edit: invoke parser including script tag @ bottom of tag file called common.js, looks this:

require([     "dojo/parser",      "dojo/ready"     ],      function(parser, ready){         ready(function(){             parser.parse();             });     }); 

i've tried swapping out dojo/ready dojo/domready! , taking parser.parse out of ready(function(){ block same results.

a quick workaround copy dijit/templates, dijit/form/templates, , dijit/layout/templates folders src distribution dojo distribution.

see , details.


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