Neo4J Rest interface listener not starting -

i have exported graph of around 1300 nodes , 3500 edges gephi 0.8.2 beta neo4j 1.9rc1. however, after exporting cannot connect server using rest api anymore because cannot find listener either on port 1337 or on port 7474. hence, neither shell interface nor web interface working.

everytime try connect using shell says "connection refused". when run in verbose mode says "

d:\neo4j-enterprise-1.9.rc1\bin>neo4jshell.bat -v error (-v expanded information):         connection refused java.rmi.connectexception: connection refused host: localhost; nested exception is: connection refused: connect         @ sun.rmi.transport.tcp.tcpendpoint.newsocket(         @ sun.rmi.transport.tcp.tcpchannel.createconnection(         @ sun.rmi.transport.tcp.tcpchannel.newconnection(         @ sun.rmi.server.unicastref.newcall( " 

could please explain going on? have checked using netstat ports 1337 , 7474 free , noone else listening on them.

the same behavior noticed on neo4j version 1.8.2 enterprise stable well.

you trying start shell, not server. want run bin\neo4j start command, should listening on ports.


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