javascript - Undo action if "cancel" is pressed in response to confirm() -

i made quick list, can drag trash can (which removes it).

everything works when press "ok", , item gets removed told to. although if press "cancel" confirm popup, item shows in trash, , instead want go in list.



   $( init )      function init() {     $(".contentitem").draggable({         revert: 'invalid'     });     $(".list4").droppable( {         accept: ".contentitem",          drop: function(event, ui) {             ui.draggable.hide();             if (confirm("are sure want delete?")){             ui.draggable.remove();              bottominfo ();         } else {   ;         }         return false;         }     });     } 

you'll add confirm on draggable instead, reverting if confirm not confirmed etc :

$(".contentitem").draggable({     revert : function(event, ui) {         var state = confirm("are sure want delete?");         if (state) $(this).remove();         return !state;     } }); 



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