ios - Pasteboard - copying (image + text) creates mystery \n line break -

when add image , string pasteboard mysterious line break @ start of text?

nsmutabledictionary *photo = [nsmutabledictionary dictionary]; nsmutabledictionary *text = [nsmutabledictionary dictionary]; nsdata* imagedata = uiimagepngrepresentation(theimage.image); [photo setvalue:imagedata forkey:(nsstring*)kuttypepng]; [text setvalue:thetext.text forkey:(nsstring *)kuttypeutf8plaintext]; [[uipasteboard generalpasteboard] setitems:[nsarray arraywithobjects:photo, text, nil]]; 

it puts photo @ top , puts line break , text. if try send image , text in imessage image separates anyways , end text in bubble silly looking line-break infront of it.

if copy text without photo not add mysterious line-break.

[[uipasteboard generalpasteboard] setitems:[nsarray arraywithobjects:text, nil]];

does know how fix this?
if not, can think of nice workaround? there unicode characters reverse line-break? etc?

store png base64 encode. see if helps.


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