ios - Delay between animation cycle on a UIImageView -

i have uiimageview called imgview, have array of images, like,

  imagearray objects: [uiimage imagenamed:@"test4.png"],                     [uiimage imagenamed:@"test5.png"],                     [uiimage imagenamed:@"test6.png"],                     [uiimage imagenamed:@"test7.png"],                     nil]; 

then have added array images in imgview animation, like

imgview.animationimages = imagearray; imgview.animationrepeatcount = 0; imgview.animationduration = 2.0f;  [imgview startanimating];  

here every thing works fine. have delay 5sec after 1 cycle of animation finishes. how can this, have used

 [self performselector:@select... 

but not working, please give me idea.

try this:

-(void) viewwillappear:(bool)animated {     [super viewwillappear:yes];      [self animationmethod];  //where start animation }  -(void) animationmethod {     nsmutablearray *imagearray  = [[nsmutablearray alloc] initwithobjects:[uiimage imagenamed:@"btnvideoeffectsample1.png"], [uiimage imagenamed:@"btnvideoeffectsample2.png"], [uiimage imagenamed:@"btnvideoeffectsample3.png"], [uiimage imagenamed:@"btnvideoeffectsample4.png"], nil];     imgprofilepicture.animationimages = imagearray;     imgprofilepicture.animationrepeatcount = 0;     imgprofilepicture.animationduration = 2.0f;     [imgprofilepicture startanimating];     [imagearray release];      double delaytostopanimation = 2.0;     dispatch_time_t starttime = dispatch_time(dispatch_time_now, delaytostopanimation * nsec_per_sec);     dispatch_after(starttime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){         [imgprofilepicture stopanimating];          double delaytorestartanimation = 5.0;         dispatch_time_t starttime = dispatch_time(dispatch_time_now, delaytorestartanimation * nsec_per_sec);         dispatch_after(starttime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){         [self animationmethod];         });     }); } 


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