Drupal 6 javascript in module block for front page -

i'm trying create simple image slider on front page of drupal website. wrote module basic outline follows

<?php  function slider_init(){   drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'slider') .'/slider.js'); }  function slider_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {     $block = array();    switch ($op) {      case "list":         // generate listing of blocks module, admin/block page         $block[0]["info"] = t("slider");         break;      case "view":     // generate content blocks module     $block_content = "";     $block_content .= "hello";       //query projects        $icons = db_query("select * {alumni_frontpage_projects}");       //initiation arrays each table column: title, description, url, icon link        $links = array();       $title = array();       $description = array();       $url = array();       //generate arrays each table column: title, description, url, icon link         while($icon_data = db_fetch_array($icons)){            $links[]      =   $icon_data['slider_image_location'];           $title[]      =   $icon_data['title'];           $description[]=   $icon_data['description'];           $url[]        =   $icon_data['url'];        }        //count elements in array , randomly choose 1       $res = count($links)-1;       $seed = rand(0,$res);        //generate html , javascript of slider           //check content isn't empty         if ($block_content == "") {             $block_content = t("sorry no content");                    }          $block["content"] = $block_content;         break;      case "save":        break;      case "configure":        break;   }              return $block; } 

now, fine. generate block , can place wherever want. great. i use javascript in block can pass arrays , use onclick events slide through images arrays queried. found out have pass variables javascript , i'll have identify javascript file want use in module.

 //add variable javascript   drupal_add_js(array('slider_settings' => array('variable_name' => $variable_name)), 'setting');    //add javascript file module   drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'slider') .'/slider.js');<br> 

put these in hook_init nothing happens!!!!! tested see basic alerts. if put hard code _block, such as:

$block_content .= ' <script type="text/javascript"> var x x = 50; document.write(x); //prints value of x </script>'; 

then see '50' prints.
if try pass variable hard coded script. not work either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if try write 50 through previous code, separate file called slider.js in same folder using "drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'slider') .'/slider.js');", not work either (even though i'm not passing variable)

heck going on!! possible i'm missing important core drupal files? there way trouble shoot further?


drupal_add_js should work in hook_init().first check whether hook function correctly named modulename_init() or not.


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