actionscript 3 - How to implement NativeProcess in Air app -

i need simple nativeprocess, need launch .exe file via cmd line , pass 1 parameter. have found nativeprocess examples far more complex things , not showing complete implementation. have lot of experience flash as3 not in particular area... if show me how accomplished begining end appreciate it.

here code adobe's website doing ask :

package {     public class main extends sprite     {         public var process:nativeprocess;          public function main()         {             if(nativeprocess.issupported)                 setupandlaunch();             else                 trace("nativeprocess not supported.");         }          public function setupandlaunch():void         {                  var nativeprocessstartupinfo:nativeprocessstartupinfo = new nativeprocessstartupinfo();             var file:file = file.applicationdirectory.resolvepath("yourapp.exe");             nativeprocessstartupinfo.executable = file;              var processargs:vector.<string> = new vector.<string>();             processargs[0] = "the parameter passing";             nativeprocessstartupinfo.arguments = processargs;              process = new nativeprocess();             process.start(nativeprocessstartupinfo);             process.addeventlistener(progressevent.standard_output_data, onoutputdata);             process.addeventlistener(progressevent.standard_error_data, onerrordata);             process.addeventlistener(nativeprocessexitevent.exit, onexit);             process.addeventlistener(ioerrorevent.standard_output_io_error, onioerror);             process.addeventlistener(ioerrorevent.standard_error_io_error, onioerror);         }          public function onoutputdata(event:progressevent):void         {             trace("got: ", process.standardoutput.readutfbytes(process.standardoutput.bytesavailable));          }          public function onerrordata(event:progressevent):void         {             trace("error -", process.standarderror.readutfbytes(process.standarderror.bytesavailable));          }          public function onexit(event:nativeprocessexitevent):void         {             trace("process exited ", event.exitcode);         }          public function onioerror(event:ioerrorevent):void         {              trace(event.tostring());         }     } } 

and important information the nativeprocess class , capabilities available air applications installed native installer (extended desktop profile applications). when debugging, can pass -profile extendeddesktop argument adl enable nativeprocess functionality. @ runtime, can check nativeprocess.issupported property to determine whether native process communication supported.

i tested above in flash develop setting application profile extended desktop , works.

more info here.


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