- Data Point Label Is Not Showing On First Bar Of Bar Chart using MS Chart -

i using microsoft chart in , have simple column chart point labels, however, first data point not showing bar closest y axis. have 5 year of data points in column chart 1 closest @ y axis showing , rest showing. not sure property need set in order show data points. thanks. here code chart

<asp:chart id="chart1" runat="server" backcolor="#d3dff0" palette="chocolate"                              imagetype="png" imageurl="~/tempimages/chartpic_#seq(300,3)" width="861px"                              height="296px" borderlinestyle="solid" backgradientendcolor="white"                              backgradienttype="topbottom" borderlinewidth="2"                              borderlinecolor="26, 59, 105" backgradientstyle="topbottom">                             <titles>                                 <asp:title shadowcolor="32, 0, 0, 0" font="trebuchet ms, 14.25pt, style=bold" shadowoffset="3" text="closed months" alignment="topcenter" forecolor="yellow"></asp:title>                             </titles>                             <legends>                                 <asp:legend enabled="false" name="default" backcolor="transparent" font="trebuchet ms, 8.25pt, style=bold">                                     <position y="21" height="22" width="18" x="73"></position>                                 </asp:legend>                             </legends>                             <borderskin skinstyle="frametitle8"></borderskin>                             <series>                                 <asp:series name="totalcount" bordercolor="180, 26, 59, 105"                                      isvalueshownaslabel="true" backgradientstyle="verticalcenter"                                      yvaluesperpoint="2"></asp:series>                             </series>                             <chartareas>                                 <asp:chartarea name="default" bordercolor="64, 64, 64, 64" borderdashstyle="solid" backsecondarycolor="white" backcolor="64, 165, 191, 228" shadowcolor="transparent" backgradientstyle="topbottom">                                     <axisy linecolor="64, 64, 64, 64" islabelautofit="false">                                         <labelstyle font="trebuchet ms, 8.25pt, style=bold"></labelstyle>                                         <majorgrid linecolor="64, 64, 64, 64"></majorgrid>                                     </axisy>                                     <axisx linecolor="64, 64, 64, 64" islabelautofit="false">                                         <labelstyle font="trebuchet ms, 8.25pt, style=bold" interval="auto"></labelstyle>                                         <majorgrid linecolor="64, 64, 64, 64"></majorgrid>                                     </axisx>                                 </asp:chartarea>                             </chartareas>                         </asp:chart> 

hard tell without code, make sure data point within chart area's limit's.

chart.chartareas[index].axisy.minimum = something_lower_than_lowest_y_value_in_your_data_points 

also, check same x axis, experience, mscharts tends mix both.


i've dealt mscharts on c#, forgive me lack of helpful input. i've gather code though, seems appearance. think need inside chartarea tag :

 <axisx minimum="-1">         </axisx> 

my guess still you're starting series @ point lower axis, doesn't render first bar.


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