windows - SAPI: Speech to Text example -

i new sapi, , appreciate if of can provide me speech text hello world example in sapi. know ms got examples "dictation" etc, start small one. glad if can help.

i played bit windows voice recognition using sapi, isn't user friendly. here example of code wrote (in c++) :

#include <sphelper.h> #include <sapi.h> #include <iostream> #include <string>  const ulonglong grammarid = 0; const wchar_t* rulename1 = l"rulename1";  int start_listening(const std::string& word); isprecogrammar* init_grammar(isprecocontext* recocontext, const std::string& command); void get_text(isprecocontext* reco_context); void check_result(const hresult& result);  int main(int argc, char** argv) {     start_listening("hello");     return exit_success; }  // function exits when word passed parameter said user int start_listening(const std::string& word) {     // initialize com library     if (failed(::coinitialize(nullptr))) {         return exit_failure;     }      std::cout << "you should start windows recognition" << std::endl;     std::cout << "just \""<< word << "\"" << std::endl;      hresult hr;      isprecognizer* recognizer;     hr = cocreateinstance(clsid_spsharedrecognizer,         nullptr, clsctx_all, iid_isprecognizer,         reinterpret_cast<void**>(&recognizer));     check_result(hr);      isprecocontext* recocontext;     hr = recognizer->createrecocontext(&recocontext);     check_result(hr);      // disable context     hr = recocontext->pause(0);     check_result(hr);      isprecogrammar* recogrammar = init_grammar(recocontext, word);      hr = recocontext->setnotifywin32event();     check_result(hr);      handle handleevent;     handleevent = recocontext->getnotifyeventhandle();     if(handleevent == invalid_handle_value) {         check_result(e_fail);     }      ulonglong interest;     interest = spfei(spei_recognition);     hr = recocontext->setinterest(interest, interest);     check_result(hr);      // activate grammar     hr = recogrammar->setrulestate(rulename1, 0, sprs_active);     check_result(hr);      // enable context     hr = recocontext->resume(0);     check_result(hr);      // wait reco     handle handles[1];     handles[0] = handleevent;     waitformultipleobjects(1, handles, false, infinite);     get_text(recocontext);      std::cout << "hello user" << std::endl;      recogrammar->release();     ::couninitialize();      system("pause");     return exit_success; }  /** * create , initialize grammar. * create rule grammar. * add word grammar. */ isprecogrammar* init_grammar(isprecocontext* recocontext, const std::string& command) {     hresult hr;     spstatehandle sate;      isprecogrammar* recogrammar;     hr = recocontext->creategrammar(grammarid, &recogrammar);     check_result(hr);      word langid = makelangid(lang_french, sublang_french);     hr = recogrammar->resetgrammar(langid);     check_result(hr);     // todo: catch error , use default langid => getuserdefaultuilanguage()      // create rules     hr = recogrammar->getrule(rulename1, 0, spraf_toplevel | spraf_active, true, &sate);     check_result(hr);      // add word     const std::wstring commandwstr = std::wstring(command.begin(), command.end());     hr = recogrammar->addwordtransition(sate, null, commandwstr.c_str(), l" ", spwt_lexical, 1, nullptr);     check_result(hr);      // commit changes     hr = recogrammar->commit(0);     check_result(hr);      return recogrammar; }  void get_text(isprecocontext* reco_context) {     const ulong maxevents = 10;     spevent events[maxevents];      ulong eventcount;     hresult hr;     hr = reco_context->getevents(maxevents, events, &eventcount);      // warning hr equal s_false if ok      // eventcount < requestedeventcount     if(!(hr == s_ok || hr == s_false)) {         check_result(hr);     }      isprecoresult* recoresult;     recoresult = reinterpret_cast<isprecoresult*>(events[0].lparam);      wchar_t* text;     hr = recoresult->gettext(sp_getwholephrase, sp_getwholephrase, false, &text, null);     check_result(hr);      cotaskmemfree(text); }  void check_result(const hresult& result) {     if (result == s_ok) {         return;     }      std::string message;      switch(result) {      case e_invalidarg:         message = "one or more arguments invalids.";      case e_accessdenied:         message = "acces denied.";      case e_nointerface:         message = "interface not exist.";      case e_notimpl:         message = "not implemented method.";      case e_outofmemory:         message = "out of memory.";      case e_pointer:         message = "invalid pointer.";      case e_unexpected:         message = "unexpecter error.";      case e_fail:         message = "failure";      default:         message = "unknown : " + std::to_string(result);     }      throw std::exception(message.c_str()); } 

as said, it's bit complicated. think should wrap code library make easier use.


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