php - Need Help in ResumeParsing Web Service -

i using webservice resume parsing webservice returns error. kindly view code , let me know asap. trying last 1 day failed time.

$client = new soapclient(""); $data = 'post /resumeservice.asmx http/1.1 host: content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8  soapaction: "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12=""> <soap12:body>  <parseresume xmlns="">  <request> <accountid>36463356</accountid>                     <servicekey>70zgh1vzztlwiqnmbydnkjmimokhs060kpjiobwp</servicekey> <filebytes>'.$contents.'</filebytes> </request>  </parseresume> </soap12:body> </soap:envelope>'; $result = $client->parseresume($data); print_r($result); 

but response

stdclass object ( [code] => missingrequestparameter [message] => missing request parameter: required parameter named 'request' missing. [usesremaining] => 0 )

i cant understand missed in request, have done in .net , working fine in php not work....


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