angularjs - Angular js testing with Grunt -

i having problem running test in angularjs project -when run "grunt test" referenceerror: io not defined running server localy throug port 3000 wich node.js server , impliment in index.html

<script src="http://localhost:3000/"></script> 

this function testing:

$scope.editproject = function (dat) {       $http({         method: 'put',         url: '' + $,         data: angular.tojson(dat),         headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}       })       .success(function(d) {         var time = $filter('date')(new date(), 'dd/mm hh:mm:ss');         var loc = '/project/' + $;         var head = {           user : $rootscope.userinfo.username,           message: 'some message ',           name : dat.projectname,           url: loc,           date: time,           icon : 'icon-th-list'         };         socket.emit('updateheader', head );         $location.url('/project/' + $;       });     }; 

install last yeoman on project , solve problem. install grunt , bower automatically. after, can install client bower.

grunt test                        # test app grunt server                      # preview app grunt                             # build application deployment 

use bower component more package.


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