jsf - Values of h:inputText inside ui:repeat are not processed -

i want process form (valuechanguelistener not valid in real case).

this bean:

public class testbean extends privatebasebean implements serializable { private list<string> strings;  @postconstruct public void init() {     strings = new arraylist<string>();     strings.add("");     strings.add("");     strings.add(""); }  public void saveaction(actionevent event) {      stringbuilder texttoshowinmessage = new stringbuilder();     (string string : strings) {         texttoshowinmessage.append(string);         texttoshowinmessage.append("; ");     }     facesmessage msg = new facesmessage(super.getbundle().getstring(             texttoshowinmessage.tostring()), "");      facescontext.getcurrentinstance().addmessage(null, msg); }  getters... setters... 

an view:

.... <h:form> <ui:repeat var="string" value="#{testbean.strings}">     <h:inputtext value="#{string}" />     <br /> </ui:repeat> <p:commandbutton value="#{msg.save}" actionlistener="#{testbean.saveaction}" icon="ui-icon-disk"         update="@form" /> </h:form> ... 

when form processed in bean string list blank.

how process form intput's inside iteration, without value changue listener?

there screenshots: debug code

form in browser

the same problem occurs action or actionlistener on

your problem not connected primefaces <p:commandbutton>'s behaviour, rather scoping problem implicilty created when using <ui:repeat> tag.

first of all, let's depart example. basically, you've got

<ui:repeat value="#{bean.strings}" var="s">     <h:inputtext value="#{s}"/> </ui:repeat> 

with backing list<string> strings.

the culprit here: value="#{s}". exported <ui:repeat> variable s visible within loop , it not bound managed bean's property, instead local variable. put differently, s not bound/equal bean.strings[index] 1 expect , has no knowledge, see, originated from. basically, you're off unilateral relationship: value bean printed in input properly, reverse not happening.

the workarounds

workaround #1: wrapper classes / model objects

the situation can overcome using wrapper object class. in case of string 'simple mutable string', below:

public class mstring {     private string string;//getter+setter+constructor } 

in case iteration working predicted:

<ui:repeat value="#{bean.mstrings}" var="ms">     <h:inputtext value="#{ms.string}"/> </ui:repeat> 

with backing list<mstring> mstrings.

note if have model class, user, , change properties within <ui:repeat> class wrapper, properties set appropriately.

workaround #2: chained property access

another workaround consists of accessing element of collection directly within <h:inputtext> tag. way, such property set accessing bean, collection, setting property @ desired index. excessively long, that's how is. how question, <ui:repeat> provides exported current iteration status variable, varstatus, used access array/collection in managed bean.

in case iteration working predicted:

<ui:repeat value="#{bean.strings}" var="s" varstatus="status">     <h:inputtext value="#{bean.strings[status.index]}"/> </ui:repeat> 

with ordinary backing list<string> strings.


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