For a data analytical web app, would it be better to use django's auto-generated relational objects or raw SQL queries? -

i making application serve demonstration of data analysis capabilities our team can provide. new django , auto-generated apis seem pretty cool, worry scalability , having quickness constructed , queried database can provide. has been in situation , regretted/been satisfied there choice of raw queries vs django apis?

django's orm great. 1 of complete , easy use orm have ever encounter, every orm, has limitations.

if application requires full control of database , efficient queries, might consider other approaches , compare them django , see 1 fits better. you'll have research.

django great developing fast complicated database applications, i'm sure --if application grows long enough-- sooner or later you'll have start working directly database engine optimization reasons. orms generic tools, database engine specific functions not available.

there no rule decide wheter or not django gonna work but, 1 thing can tell orm helps app started quick , if find specific circumstance need customize sql, can in django well. if not, create python module handle database in specific circumstances , use django code. best way if need show efficient data analysis capabilities.

i hope bring light, wide question. 1 thing i'm sure won't regret until app grows big enough , when does, you'll have resources find great programmers twist python handle every specific situation behaves odd django's database accessing tools.

found this link may helpful.

good luck!


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