c# - How to cast back an object with a linq query inside it with more than 1 entity? -

this question has answer here:

i have following scenario. 1 query join statment:

public object getmgm(int meb_id) {     var unitofwork = new dal.implementations.entity_framework.unitofwork<dbgmentities>();      var queryroles =  in unitofwork._ctx.membrosmgm                           join b in unitofwork._ctx.membros on a.mgm_pai equals b.meb_id                           a.mgm_filho == meb_id                           select new { b.meb_nome, b.meb_id, a.mgm_familiar };      return queryroles; } 

queryroles running inside thread. so, have return object. cannot find way cast , { b.meb_nome, b.meb_id, a.mgm_familiar } of select. tried following code 1 entity set on return , works fine, if have more 1 entity on same linq query don't know how cast back:

//this 1 works fine if have 1 entity set (dal.membroresponsavel) var querymembroresponsaveis = ((ienumerable)smartthreadpool.queueworkitem(x => editmeb.getmembroresponsavel(currentid)).result).cast<dal.membroresponsavel>().tolist(); 


for having same problem returning anonymous type created class gets return values:

public class membergetamember {     public int meb_id {get;set;}     public string meb_nome { get; set;}     public bool? mgm_familiar { get; set; } } 

then can cast on return:

foreach (var x in queryroles)             list.add(new membergetamember { meb_id = x.meb_id, meb_nome = x.meb_nome, mgm_familiar = x.mgm_familiar });          return list; 

this question helped me how figure out

how return query results method uses linq sql

thanks everyone.


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