html - Background images and SEO -

at moment have on website images defined in css file background image.

the code looks this.

the html:

<a href="" title="website title" class="image"></a> 

the css:

 .image {     background: url("../img/deelnemende-organisaties/arcadis.png") no-repeat;  } 

due other css3 effects background isn't possible change background normal <img> tag.

now wondering best way use background images , keeping seo ranking high possible.

i saw solutions as:

  • putting text <a> tag , hiding css text-indent: -9999em
  • only put title attribute on tag text in it
  • placing transparent in tag same title tag
  • leave have in example , building called image sitemap in xml file

now i'm not sure best solution , don't wanna screw seo ranking doing call illegal.

i saw solutions as: - putting text tag , hiding css text-indent: -9999em - put title attribute on tag text in it. - placing transparent in tag same title tag - leave have in example , building called " image sitemap " in xml file.

speaking 2 years' experience both copywriter , seo lead, 2 of techniques going punished , it's hard recover from, it's considered black hat. far images concerned, thing can write alt image tags concisely , accurately describe image image searches google's. use alt tag like:

<img src="myimage.png" alt="dog running in front of redwood trees"></img> 

this 2 years old, pretty old seo, of basics still true , seomoz place can trust information.

now, there 'best practice' when comes images. images can't seo, can people stay on site if they're pretty , interesting. helps if put nice images on sites facebook , pintrest drive traffic site , found. while these smo (social media optimization) instead of seo, it's still part of web design give more traffic , increase pagerank. never black hat. hope helps!


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