c# - Having Trouble Setting Window's Owner in Parent's Constructor -

is there wrong in wpf setting owner property of window parent in parent's constructor? there shouldn't be, right? why getting xamlparseexception following code?

public partial class mainview : window {     private readonly ownedwindow owned;      public mainview()     {         initializecomponent();         owned = new ownedwindow();          owned.datacontext = datacontext;          var window = getwindow(this);         owned.owner = this;  //setting window causes same error          ...     } 

i should clarify removing owned.owner = this; removes runtime error.

the details of exception:

xamlparseexception unhandled

the invocation of constructor on type '...mainview' matches specified binding constraints threw exception.

actually, looked @ inner exception, , says:

cannot set owner property window has not been shown previously.

so i'm looking now.

the problem because wpf creates native window first time wpf window shown, can't setting not-yet-shown window owner (since establishes native window "owner -> owned" relationship, native handle doesn't yet exist.)

you can handle statechanged event on owner window, ensure new state "shown", , set owned window's owner @ point. alternatively, create , show owned window @ point.


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