Storing 'shared' items MongoDB in application with RESTful API -

i creating application in users can share articles.

currently, when user shares article, adds article id of shared item array called shares on user.

var userschema = {   // `shareditems` list of article ids user has shared   shareditems: { type: array } }; 

however, because need way query shared items multiple user ids (similar news feed sort of query), decided go down route of creating separate collection shared items.

var shareschema = {   // id of user shared article   userid: { type: string },   // id of article shared   articleid: { type: string },   datecreated: { type: date } }; 

to tie in application code, when user updated, there check whether or not shareditems array on user updated – if is, task delegated shares collection add or remove matches respectively. have done because, when user shares item, client-side application has worry making post request user resource, rather making post user and share resources. trouble here relying on replication, , worry various reasons, there inaccuracies.

the need shareditems array on user entity because, when articles loaded, application must detect items have been shared logged in user. application parses response each loaded article , checks whether or not current user has article id in shareditems array – if does, adds property of isshared article.

the other alternative achieving of — can think of — remove shareditems array user schema, , add sort of authentication api, get requests article resource aware of current user is, , thus, back-end can worry checking whether or not current user has shared article sent in response, instead of doing parsing on client-side.

the trouble have not want api require authentication. articles should accessible users, logged in or out (get on article resource). however, want logged in users able share articles (post share resource, or post user resource delegates creation/deletions of share documents).

how handle in terms of mongodb collections , schemas?

i suggest sharecount field in get /article resource (to prevent unauthenticated exposure), , use asynchronous (and authenticated) api call get /user can use mark articles shared after initial load.

if this, get /article resource doesn't need additional work behind scenes, , every request same information (with sharecount). when user logged in design care mark shared.


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