wordpress - add new fields on registration page -

i have wordpress website, , want add new fields when user register, phone number , street address.

i know how add input fields in registration form, cannot understand how save fields in database during registration, other details username saved.

how that?


add_action('user_register', 'myplugin_user_register') 

the function myplugin_user_register() called after main user details username, email inserted in database, or details saved @ same time.

i want save fields in other table, in $wpdb->users, how ?

adding custom user field adding custom field post.

it can done of following filters :

  1. 'register_form'
  2. 'register_post'
  3. 'user_register'

you can see example of complete process here: http://codex.wordpress.org/customizing_the_registration_form

if need allow modification user profile page, check filters personal_options_update , edit_user_profile_update.


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