jquery - Animate click toggle -

i animate div when click (click toggle in example).i want animate initial position when click again. (i try variable , if, not work. perhaps there easier way? or there mistake?)

please check answer here:http://jsfiddle.net/uxvxh/2/


<div id="logo"></div> 


#logo {     position:fixed;     bottom:-40px;left: 5%;     width:70px; height:80px;     background:blue;     cursor:pointer;  } 


$(function(){     /* click simple     $("#logo").click(function() {         $("#logo").animate({bottom: "0"}, 1200)      });     */      /*click toggle ?*/     var hidden = true;     $("#logo").click(function() {       if (hidden) {         $("#logo").animate({bottom: "0"}, 1200);       } else {         $("#logo").animate({bottom: "-40"}, 1200);       }       state = !hidden;     });  }) 

your example working did little mistake change state hidden variable.

var hidden = true; $("#logo").click(function() {   if (hidden) {     $("#logo").animate({bottom: "0"}, 1200);   } else {     $("#logo").animate({bottom: "-40"}, 1200);   }   hidden = !hidden; }); 


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