objective c - Call a method of MasterViewController on DetailViewController -

i'm making small ipad app using splitviewcontroller , want call method masterviewcontroller on detailviewcontroller method doesn't show when write following code call it:

masterviewcontroller *master = [[masterviewcontroller alloc]init]; [master pushmoduletitle]; 

here method in masterviewcontroller.m

-(void)pushmoduletitle:(nsstring*)moduletitile {     nsstring * moduletitileobject = moduletitile;     [self.moduletitlestack addobject:moduletitileobject]; } 

not sure why getting issue! how call e method right?

your function


takes 1 parameter, calling no parameters. no function exists takes 0 parameters! either need change call

  [master pushmoduletitle:5.0]; // example 

or add



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