python - Build complex layout in a dynamic list/grid -

i'm building simple app python3 , gtk3.0 looking correct element display layout following image

enter image description here

i need display n items items load database (can 1000+) , can change (insert, delete, update, etc.) , each item have complex layout inside (labels, buttons, etc.)

how can build layout list/grid dynamically changes.

i've read gtktreeview , gtkcellrenderer dont know how , other people recommend use gtkbox how handle model , update dynamically listview/cursoradapter in android or listview/bindings in c#/wpf.

documentation of gtk 3.0 poor , not explain how extend widget. point documentation not explain or @ least have not seen how reuse same element, how make use of resources (memory) when dealing lots of elements, example created series of widget in glade , can not use n times. not possible create items not windows. should within window. can create different arbitrary element of window can reused.

please when point me of above points, has example code can c #, python or c + + important have example

i've create project called 'sqlite-browser' using python3 , gtk. when display large number of records in database, can use treeview, , add pager (limit 100/200 records each page). maybe project can you. , here is:

this screenshot: enter image description here


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