mapping - Eager loading an optional one-to-one with NHibernate -

consider following simplified domain:

public class movie {     public virtual int id { get; set; }     public virtual moviedetail moviedetail { get; set; } }  public class moviedetail {     public virtual int id { get; set; }     public virtual movie movie { get; set; } } 

a moviedetail cannot exist without movie, movie exist without moviedetail (i.e. have no details it).

our database has separate table movie columns id, , separate table moviedetail columns id , movieid. there foreign key moviedetail.movieid

we've got mapped in nhibernate, when getting collection of movie instances, want left outer join moviedetail. if not, have n+1 problem when iterating on movie instances. case now: there separate query every call movie.moviedetail property.

i've tried one-to-one mapping, seems case when have both instances. in our case, don't have moviedetail. also, don't share same primary key.

i've researched formula's, require me make moviedetail implement iusertype, putting nhibernate domain. i'd avoid that.

maybe try adding many-to-one relation in movie mapping moviedetail, act 1 one mapping.

when set option 'not-null' "false" nullable suppose. don't know if lazy loading or not, when moviedetailis loaded when needed , not left join construction.

shouldn't properties virtual in both classes?

<many-to-one name="moviedetail" column="id" class="moviedetail" not-null="false" lazy="false"/> 


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