'Errno::ENOENT no such file/directory' intermittently with FactoryGirl & RSpec/Rails -

getting bizarre error on rspec tests, intermittently, on different examples. pass 99.999% of time (and did until hour or ago) leading me believe there's crazy going on spork setup. maybe?

the recent relevant failure (but it's happening intermittently on lots of different examples, ever 1 @ time on file of ~60 examples)

 failure/error: @person = create(:person)  errno::enoent:    no such file or directory - /users/jon/code/help-me-write/tmp/cache/cached-slugs%2fpeople%7c081706ccee3f19f01752ba7b60dec0f901a746fe4e3f8c00b70ee6671669c80220130514-24434-1byq6eq  # ./spec/controllers/ideas_controller_spec.rb:153:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>' 

here's gist whole file (which don't important in case), , spec_helper.rb (which think is)


annoying - rerunning tests or restarting guard/spork makes failing example pass fine. how can stop bug happening?


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