How to debug GWT client side code on jboss -

i'm starting gwt , smartgwt, , realized when code works on jetty no work on jboss.

is there way can debug exceptions or kind of error when on client side fails, jboss console says nothing. wondering if can jetty window attached app when running on jboss.

i'm using netbeans, jboss 5.1


thanks help, i've been using , works pretty nice, looking way debug client side code, using netbeans instance. know how debug server side code starting jboss set java_opts=-xdebug -xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=y %java_opts% attach netbeans debugger 8787 port. there way similar jboss debug client side ?

also know how debug client side code using gwt:debug, in case app not running on jboss running on jetty.

i assume have launch configurations set correctly (pointing launch environment jboss instead of embedded jetty). if in dev mode should able debug javacode. if want debug client side code in production use browser's dev tools.

regarding error handling there 2 ways can handle gwt client side exceptions.

  1. log them in client side
  2. send them server , log them in server side

i think after server side logging (in fact that's need in production mode) gwt has defined error handling mechanisms both client , server side. these answers/posts yo set error handlers in gwt app properly.

7 tips exception handling in gwt

setup remoteloggingservlet in gwt


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