ios - Method is not calling from UITableview? -

i have uitableview , in didselect method i'm calling method of class parameter , when click row want open class xib corresponding paramter .but here when click uitableview row nothing happening ,actually method calling new xib not opening.

following code in didselect method`

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath{     searchresult* hit = (searchresult*)[results objectatindex:[indexpath row]];      [epubviewcontroller loadspine:hit.chapterindex atpageindex:hit.pageindex highlightsearchresult:hit]; } 


epubviewcontroller object of second class , "loadspine: atpageindex: highlightsearchresult:" method in class"

please me

you not presenting epubviewcontroller. add line after loadspine method call:

[self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller: epubviewcontroller animated: yes]; 

also, pass hit epubviewcontroller , call loadspine on viewdidload or viewdidappear method inside of epubviewcontroller.


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