php - Trumba iCal files with multiple calendars -

i'm able import ical files trumba using following basic properties:

begin:vcalendar method:publish version:2.0 prodid:-//company name//product//language begin:vevent summary: test event title uid:d70c88d5-e5a1-48ec-84a4-d05dbd5cd8f6-99 dtstart:20130514t090000 end:vevent end:vcalendar 

i'm sending data via curl url containing calendar webname.. there property determine event show on other calendars?? how supposed check boxes of other calendars under "also shows on" list???

currently, can post events multiple calendars.. problem 1 event shows on multiple calendars appear many times on same date if assigned calendars checked.. :( how can prevent same event appearing twice or more?


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