json - MergJSON error "...unexpected token near end of file"? -

i have simplest of scripts in livecode attempting parse small chunk of json using mergjson library.

this doubtless stupid i'm doing it's been long day, can't json parsed livecode array:

lc script in button called 'connect'

function jsontoarray pjson    local tarray,tkeys    repeat each line tkey in mergjsondecode(pjson,"tarray")    put jsontoarray(tarray[tkey]) tarray[tkey]    end repeat    return tarray end jsontoarray  on mouseup    put field "myjson" pjson    answer jsontoarray() end mouseup 

my json

{ "firstname":"mary", "lastname":"smith", } 

the error:

button "connect": execution error @ line n/a (external handler: exception) near "could not decode json: unexpected token near end of file"

suggestions welcome....



mark b might have other thing you're not passing parameter jsontoarray...

put jsontoarray(pjson) tarray put tarray["firstname"] 


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